Singing Breeze #14 by Karen van de Vliet

Singing Breeze #14 by Karen van de Vliet


By Karen van der Vliet
23 x 18 cm, 2023
Mixed acrylic paint on cotton, framed

Karen van de Vliet is a visual artist known for her abstract, colourful paintings. With music being the bridge to her personal and meditative and creative state, Karen creates wondrous paintings that convey the magic of everyday life.

Karen van de Vliet developed an approach to her work that focusses on the beauty of imperfection. She is intrigued by seemingly ordinary shapes that were not created intentionally, such as weathered and eroded surfaces caused by nature, or casual traces of use. Mesmerised by the shapes in the thick paint of pedestrian walkways, chewing gum on the street or cracks in damaged building blocks, Karen translates these structures and reliefs onto the canvas. Her great love for nature, its trascience and the beauty of everyday life, become visible through abstract, colourful and expressive paintings.

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